The website is designed and developed as a responsive website that adapts to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal viewing experience regardless of the device the user is using. Being responsive provides a flexible layout where images and content adapt to the size and layout of the user's web page based on screen size. The website also has a CMS feature that facilitates managing the website.
Other Features:
- Easy and simple interface to use
- Fully responsive for any kind of device
- Powerful admin backend like WordPress
- Secured coding against SQL injection
- Statistics of some data in dashboard
- Unlimited news category and post creation and management
- Unlimited photo and video category creation and management
- Unlimited photo and video post creation and management
- Unlimited page creation and management
- Unlimited menu creation with dropdown
- Unlimited FAQ categories and item creation and management
- Facebook comment section for each post
- SEO meta data setup for each post, page and category
- SEO friendly URL structure
- Unlimited file uploading system
- All major social media URL setup for top bar and sidebar
- Preloader On/Off option
- SMTP with PHPMailer